Past Research
Dr Amy Osborne // The impact of maternal cannabis use during pregnancy on neurodevelopment genes in exposed offspring // Human Biology Research // $107,119 // Major Project Grant
// Detecting hyperglycemia in chronic liver disease using interstitial glucose monitoring // Diabetes Research // $4,899 // Grant in Aid
Dr Jo Nunnerley // Co-designing pain services for spinal cord injuries // Clinical Research // $5,000 // Grant in Aid
Dr Mei Zhang // Development of a LC-MS/MS method for monitoring metformin for patients with diabetes // Pharmacology Research // $5,000 // Grant in Aid
Dr Nicola Scott // Phosphodiesterase-9 inhibition versus/plus neprilysin inhibition as novel treatments for heart failure. // Heart Research // $109,252 // Major Project Grant
Dr Sarah Appleby // proBNP glycosylation in heart failure // Heart Research // $109,719 // Major Project Grant
Dr Catherine Wall // Vitamin C status during active and quiescent Crohn’s disease. // Nutrition Research // $5,000 // Grant in Aid
Associate Professor Tracy Melzer // 10-year MRI in Parkinson’s // Brain Research // $109,226 // Major Project Grant
Dr Vanessa Lattimore // BRCA1/2 expression in breast tumours // Cancer Research // $100,000 // Major Project Grant
Dr Aaron Stevens // Can oxidative stress modify the human epigenome? // Biochemistry Research // $5,000 // Grant in Aid
Dr Janice Chew-Harris // suPAR in cardiovascular disease // Heart Research // $94,788 // Major Project Grant
Dr Richard McNeill // A Phenotyping Cocktail Study to Assess Cytochrome P450 Function in Patients with Severe Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease // Pharmacology Research // $82,448 // Major Project Grant
Associate Professor Ramakrishnan Mukundan // Automatic Nuclei Segmentation and Tumour Cellularity Assessment in Breast Cancer Histopathological Slides // Cancer Research // $5,000 // Grant in Aid
Dr Elisabeth Phillips // Glioblastoma and ascorbate // Cancer Research // $99,883 // Major Project Grant
Dr Samantha Murray // Combined brain- and eye-directed gene therapy in ovine Batten disease // Non-Infectious Diseases Research // $2,019 // Major Project Grant
Christopher Horne // On the structure and function of Escherichia coli YjhC: an oxidoreductase involved in bacterial sialic acid metabolism // Biochemistry Research // $5,000 //
Dr Rachel North // How does Haemophilus influenzae import sialic acids from the human host? // Biochemistry Research // $100,000 // Major Project Grant
Dr Andrew Das // Developing tools to identify ascorbate-responsive subgroups of acute myeloid leukaemia // Cancer Research // $99,560 // Major Project Grant
Associate Professor Ramakrishnan Mukundan // Advanced Deep Learning Algorithms for Automated Breast Cancer Histology Slide Evaluations // Cancer Research // $5,000 // Grant in Aid
Dr Nina Dickerhof // Redox regulation of the cytokine MIF during inflammation // Biochemistry Research // $77,976 // Major Project Grant
Dr Bartosz Nowak // Designing and manufacturing of biodegradable orthopaedic devices // Human Biology Research // $5,000 // Grant in Aid
Associate Professor Helen Lunt // C-type natriuretic peptide: a potential marker of chronic kidney disease in diabetes // Diabetes Research // $5,000 // Grant in Aid
Dr Phoebe Macrae // Don Beaven Travelling Fellowship – Dr Luis Riquelme at 2018 Christchurch Biomouth Symposium // Clinical Research // $3,000 // Don Beaven Travel Grant
Dr Jodie Johnston // Inhibiting Menaquinone Biosynthesis and Biofilms in Staphylococcus aureus // Biochemistry Research // $99,250 // Major Project Grant
Dr Patrice Rosengrave // ANZICS – 21st Annual Meeting on Clinical Trials in Intensive Care // Clinical Research // $2,000 // Travel Grant
Miss Emma Wallace // A Systematic Review of Methods of Citric Acid Cough Reflex Testing // Clinical Research // $5,000 //
Dr Patrice Rosengrave // Effect of vitamin C on quality of life outcomes in survivors of sepsis // Clinical Research // $51,540 // Major Project Grant
Ms Jennifer Crowther // Development of a bioassay to detect pre-eclampsia // Reproductive Health Research // $100,000 // Major Project Grant
Dr Sarah Appleby // Role of myoregulin in cardiovascular disease // Heart Research // $40,000 // Major Project Grant
Dr Martina Paumann-Page // Assay development for a protein implicated in metastatic melanoma // Cancer Research // $95,509 // Major Project Grant
Associate Professor Tracy Melzer // The International Congress of Parkinson’s Disease and Movement Disorders in Hong Kong from October 5-9, 2018 // Brain Research // $2,000 // Travel Grant
Dr Cameron Lacey // Activation Therapy for Inpatient Depression // Mental Health Research // $84,135 // Major Project Grant
Dr Amy Osborne // Establishing the zebrafish as a model of drug use on the genome // Biochemistry Research // $4,900 // Grant in Aid
Associate Professor Jacqui Keenan // A bacterial driver of colon carcinogenesis // Cancer Research // $5,000 // Grant in Aid
Dr Khoon Lim // Engineering Cartilage Constructs using 3D Bioassembly Approach // Human Biology Research // $97,355 // Major Project Grant
Dr Sarah Harris // Cardiovascular effects of very preterm birth at adolescence: A longitudinal cohort study // Heart Research // $40,000 //