Understanding the clinical course and personal experience of sepsis

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Status: In-progress
Year: 2017
Funded: $40,000
Grant Type:

To conduct field research associated with PhD study. To better understand the early evolution of sepsis through patient and significant other accounts and the examination of clinical records. To explore patient and significant other accounts of the early evolution of sepsis in those who progress to severe disease requiring intensive care. To examine the clinical records account of the course of sepsis in all patients who progress to severe disease requiring intensive care within a twelve month prospective period. This research will collect and analyze subjective and objective data in order to develop a comprehensive picture of the early evolution of sepsis in those who develop severe disease requiring intensive care.

Researcher // Ms Cate McCall – University of Otago

Cate McCall is a Lecturer at the University of Otago in Centre for Postgraduate Nursing Studies department.

More About Ms Cate McCall

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