Payroll Giving

How payroll giving works

With Payroll Giving, your donation to CMRF is taken out of your regular pay before it goes into your bank account. If your donation is more than $5, you receive a third of the donation amount as an immediate tax rebate. So if you donate $15 to CMRF through payroll giving, you’ll only have a $10 reduction in your take-home pay.

With other forms of donating, you usually have to wait until the end of the tax year to claim your tax rebate. Payroll giving ensures you get the tax advantages immediately.

Why give to the CMRF?

Donating to CMRF through payroll giving helps us to raise the funds we need to run vital medical research into conditions that are life limiting and reduce quality and enjoyment of life.


Employer information about Payroll Giving

To offer your staff the chance to donate through Employee Giving, you need to sign up for the scheme with the IRD. Find more information on the Employer Information page at the IRD by visiting

Employee information about Payroll Giving

Are you interested in giving regularly CMRF through your pay? Anything over $5 earns a tax rebate. You can find out more by visiting

If you would like more information about Payroll Giving email [email protected].

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